Welcome to Buttercup Bakery
~ made by Our Family for Your Family ~
Who We Are and What We Do
This family bakery that loves to feed families was established in 1961. It’s been solely in the Bernstein Family since the late 1970’s / early 1980’s – originally as a retail bakery that’s still a household name and now as a wholesale bakery. This unique history enables us to best serve a diverse range of customers – from retailers, restaurants and canteens, directly to you.
As the second generation, together Steven and I carry on the tradition of producing high quality products with great passion! When you have a love for food and flour in your veins, what choice do you have? The products we offer now have changed immensely from 1980 (haven’t most things?) and we concentrate on producing and developing the best yeast lines imaginable.
One thing that has not changed – next to our employees, our customers are the most important part of our business. We love feedback (good and bad – we learn from both), we love it when our products become part of your family feasts and daily treats, we love being able to provide you with nourishing food to either get you through your day or to look forward to at the end of the day.
Our hope is to inspire you to create more beautiful food for your families and see the return of the family meal – one like we were raised on.
Opening Hours
Our Factory Shop in Newton Street is OPEN with revised times as indicated below.
Mon: Closed
Tue - Fri: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed
Public Holidays: Closed
PS: We're open during load shedding!

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well"
Virginia Woolf